Glass beads阳性对照品


产品名称:高精密度玻璃珠 high precision Glass beads


用途:Positive Control

规格: 2mm,high precision,1000粒/包

参考资料ASTM F2382-18凝血试验 :

6.Reagents and Materials

6.1Calciun Chloride , 25 mM

6.2 Citrated Human Blood Plasma fresh(less than 4 h from draw ) or freshly-frozen , maintained at minus 80°C , pooled .

6.3 Lyophilized Rabbit Brain Cephalin ( RBC ).

6.4 Positive Reference,Material (Optional , see A1. 2.

6.5 Positive Control , glass (Pasteur pipette tips or glassbeads ) . Other qualified positive control materials such as Buna-n - Rubber may be selected once they have demonstrated a consistent thrombogenic response .

6.6 Negative Reference Material ( e.g. High Density Polyethylene , ( HDPE )

6.7 Marketed Comparator Device ( Optional ) . A legallymarketed , clinically acceptable device that has similar bloodcontact nature and clinical use as the material / device being investigated

产品说明:ASTM F2382-18 是一项针对凝血试验的标准,提供了凝血试验方法的规范,以确保这些方法的可重复性和准确性。凝血试验是评估血液凝固功能的一种常规试验,对于诊断出血性疾病、血栓形成和抗凝治疗监测非常重要。 本产品Glass beads用于阳性对照。

货号 产品名称 品牌 规格型号 包装 目录价 促销价 数量 购物车
GB-F2382-18 Glass beads ,Positive Control 2mm,high precision PERFEMIKER N/A 1000粒/包 ¥108.00